Posts Tagged ‘classes’

Art workshops in Jan/Feb 2012 in Codicote, Herts
December 24, 2012
Colour Workshops Above: Luigi Corbellii, 1901-1968, “Boy with accordeon” The next block of art classes will be all about colour, and is scheduled for January and February 2012. To book your place, contact me by clicking here. “How to use colour” is a topic that involves science, emotion, knowledge and intuition. As always, I shall come […]
2012 | Blog, Workshops | Tags: blog, classes, Codicote, colour theory, Herts, workshops

Conveying Movement
November 30, 2012
I’ll give an illustrated talk in Hertford next Tuesday Above: Auguste Rodin “Woman with Swirling Veils”, c.1890, graphite, pen, red and brown ink and watercolour gouache, 17.5x11cm The sense of movement in pictures is a great passion of mine. As part of the Hertford Society winter programme, I’ll give a presentation on “Conveying Movement” next […]
2012 | Blog, Workshops | Tags: blog, classes, Herts, movement, workshops

More art classes in Hertfordshire
October 14, 2012
Art class schedule: November and December 2012 Above: detail from “Head of a Muse” by Raphael c.1490, black chalk over pounce marks, traces of stylus There is a series of four classes scheduled for Nov/Dec 2012 in Codicote on the theme of tone. If you are interested, then contact me (the sessions are almost fully […]
2012 | Blog, Workshops | Tags: blog, classes, Codicote, Herts, workshops

Mid-August update
August 16, 2012
Summer holidays I am lucky enough to have my children at home with me during the summer holidays. This means a change of pace: There are still plenty of sketching opportunites, but it is less easy to focus on completing any large-scale work. Blog posts cannot come so thick and fast, and there has been a little break in […]
2012 | Blog | Tags: blog, classes, Codicote, Herts, workshops

Workshops for Summer/Autumn 2012
July 5, 2012
Here is a list of themes for upcoming art classes. Please get in touch for more information. For information about the paintings and drawings within this post, just scroll your mouse over each picture. Small group art improver course Themes for upcoming art classes Six sessions are planned. These can be booked […]