Posts Tagged ‘colour theory’

Which colours recede, and which appear to come forward?
February 8, 2013
Have you ever noticed how some colours within a picture can give the impression of jumping out towards you, while others seem to melt back into the distance? Vivid, vibrant colours tend to be very prominent, especially when surrounded by dull greys and browns. Take, for example, the bright blue seafront house halfway along the row […]
2013 | Blog | Tags: blog, colour theory, warm-ups, workshopsComments (1)

Art workshops in Jan/Feb 2012 in Codicote, Herts
December 24, 2012
Colour Workshops Above: Luigi Corbellii, 1901-1968, “Boy with accordeon” The next block of art classes will be all about colour, and is scheduled for January and February 2012. To book your place, contact me by clicking here. “How to use colour” is a topic that involves science, emotion, knowledge and intuition. As always, I shall come […]
2012 | Blog, Workshops | Tags: blog, classes, Codicote, colour theory, Herts, workshops

September light and the golden hour
September 23, 2012
Some thoughts on September sunlight Above: detail from Camille Pissarro’s “Mirbeau’s Garden, The Terrace” Though you may be have been expecting a third blogpost on horse eyes this weekend, I cannot resist going off at a tangent for a moment. The late summer light here in Hertfordshire in the south-east of England has been so special that I must […]
2012 | Blog | Tags: blog, colour theory, golden hour, light, oils

How to make yellow oil paint appear to glow, part 1
July 19, 2012
Here I investigate ways to achieve a stunning yellow glow within an oil painting Above: detail from Edouard Vuillard “Portrait of Henry and Marcel Kapferer” 1912 Introduction I am currently reading a wonderful book about Edouard Vuillard (1868-1940), copublished by The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the National Gallery of Art, Washington (there […]