Posts Tagged ‘Courbet’

Composition dogs: part 1
October 10, 2014
Above: “Henrietta and Ollie” by Tim Hall (Click on the image for a closer view) Dogs in pictures can be very engaging but, in the hands of an expert artist, their use goes far beyond mere representation. In this and the next post, I’ll discuss complex images in which a dog plays a key role. Our canine companions can form all […]
2014 | Blog | Tags: composition, Courbet, dogs, Hockney, shapes

How to use top-lighting in drawing or painting a portrait
December 14, 2012
Investigating an unusual lighting set-up for portraits Above: Gustave Courbet “The Cellist, Self Portrait”, 1847 Today’s art class on lighting for portraiture I have just completed a series of art classes on how to use tone. The final session looked closely at the use of light and shade in portraiture. Of course, this fascinating topic inspired plenty of […]