Posts Tagged ‘exercises’

Line and emotion: a warm-up exercise
September 29, 2019
Introduction Why warm up? Creating visual art can be a wonderfully free and intuitive process. But, for a bit of “fine tuning”, it’s worth starting off your day in the studio with a warm up exercise or two. A quick physical warm up is as useful for the artist as it is for the dancer […]
2019 | Blog | Tags: conveying emotion, exercises, warm-ups

Art and memory: Developing skills
November 7, 2013
Above: Leslie Moffat Ward “Trees near Holdenhurst”, 1913, etching Some techniques used by artists to develop the application of memory Approach these “exercises” in a playful, experimental way and in any order that you prefer. They are really mind games rather than true drawing exercises. These methods are primarily designed to change the way that you see and remember. […]